
sendyy icon
  • High Converting Landing Page for OnlyFans
  • Image Gallery on Bio Link
  • Link cloaking - no more social media bans
  • Custom domains - Use your own domain or included subdomain {}
  • Auto translations - Why target just english speaking countries?
  • Google Analytics Integration
  • Dark Mode based on System Preferences
  • No Native Mobile App

sendyy - The best Link-in-Bio for OnlyFans Creators

In the competitive world of adult content creation, having a robust online presence is crucial. However, many OnlyFans creators face challenges like shadow banning on social media platforms, which can severely impact their reach and engagement. Enter Sendyy—the ultimate link-in-bio solution specialized for the adult industry. Sendyy provides creators with stunning, high-converting landing pages designed to circumvent these common issues and boost their lead generation efforts via social media.

Stop Shadow Banning Your Social Media Accounts

Social media shadow bans can cripple your visibility and growth. Sendyy offers a cloaked landing page specifically engineered to stop shadow banning in its tracks. By protecting your links from being detected by social media bots, Sendyy ensures that your accounts remain safe and your links visible.

Specialised for the OnlyFans Industry

Sendyy is not just any link-in-bio tool; it is tailored for the OnlyFans industry. This specialization means every feature and functionality is designed to help you increase your leads without risking your social media accounts.

Anti In-app Browsers

One of the standout features of Sendyy is its Anti In-app Browser technology. Typically, when users click a link from within social media apps, the link opens in the app’s built-in browser, which can lead to lower conversion rates. Sendyy’s Anti In-app Browser pushes leads to their native phone browser, significantly enhancing the likelihood of conversions.

No More Shadow Bans

Sendyy has implemented a unique feature to protect your links from being detected by social media bots. This helps to prevent shadow bans and ensures your audience can always reach your content without any hindrances.

Tested & Proven

Our landing pages are intensely analyzed and rigorously tested to ensure they achieve the highest conversion rates possible. With Sendyy, you can be confident that every aspect of your landing page is optimized for performance.


Let’s delve into the exceptional features you’ll get with Sendyy’s landing pages:

  • Cloaking: Hide your OnlyFans URL from social media sites that ban it.
  • Super Deeplink: Redirects users to their default browser, ensuring they are logged into OnlyFans.
  • SubDomain & Custom Domains: Boost customer trust and brand recognition.
  • Automatic Translations*: Cater to a global audience with ease.
  • Autodetect Dark Mode: Enhance user experience by matching their device settings.
  • Location Detector: Tailor your landing page content based on user location.
  • & Many More!

Why Not Try It Now?

Sendyy offers a free plan so you can decide if it’s the right tool for you. You can use it for as long as you want, no credit card required. Explore our competitive pricing options and packages to find the perfect fit for your needs.

Free Plan

  • No Credit Card Required: Start without any financial commitment.
  • Unique Path: Get your own unique profile path at the end of your landing URL.
  • Access to Beautiful Landings: Enjoy the same design quality as the PRO plan.
  • Real-time Analytics Data: Stay informed with live customer data.

Pro Plan - $19.99/Month

  • Cloaking & Deeplinks: Protect your social media accounts & increase conversion rates.
  • Custom Domains & Subdomains: Enhance trust and brand recognition.
  • All Free Plan Features & More: Access everything from the Free plan & additional features.


What is Cloaking?

Cloaking is a Black Hat Technique that hides your OnlyFans URL, which is often banned on many social media sites. Your URL is encrypted and rendered on your landing page server-side. When a customer clicks on your CTA button, it decrypts and redirects them to your OnlyFans page. A new feature coming soon will completely cloak the landing page from bots without a redirect, ensuring no delays in rendering on the client side.

Super deeplink is an essential feature designed to tackle the problem of in-app browsers. When users click on a link from platforms like Snapchat or Facebook, it usually opens in the app’s built-in browser where they may not be logged into their OnlyFans account. Sendyy’s Super Deeplink attempts to open the link in the user’s default browser (Chrome on Android, Safari on iOS), ensuring they are logged in and can interact seamlessly with your content.