FEM Management - OnlyFans Agency

FEM Management, founded by Fabian and Julian, emerged from their extensive experience in the traditional agency business and previous ownership of social media marketing agencies. At the beginning of 2022, Fabian and Julian decided to establish FEM Studios, making it their mission to help women realize their dream lives. It doesn't matter if the individuals are starting with no prior experience or already have a substantial following; FEM Management is dedicated to supporting them on their journey.

The Founders

Meet Fabian and Julian, the visionary founders of FEM Management. With roots in the traditional agency sector, they bring a wealth of expertise to the table. Their commitment to helping women achieve financial independence and create meaningful content sets the foundation for the agency's mission.

Reasons to Choose FEM Management

No Previous Experience Required

FEM Management opens its doors to individuals without any prior experience. Whether they are beginners or established content creators, the agency is here to support them. The founders believe in the potential of every individual, regardless of their starting point.

Requirements for Prospective Members

Considering a collaboration with FEM Management? Prospective members should bring the following to the table:

  • Love for taking pictures of themselves.
  • 2-3 hours of daily availability.
  • Openness to receiving guidance from industry experts.

Joining Over 40 Models in the DACH Region

FEM Management has already successfully assisted over 40 models throughout the DACH region in building side incomes or achieving financial independence. The dedicated 25-strong team ensures that individuals can focus on what makes them unique – their content production.